Randolph & Gayoc

Marriage Union - 15 February 1997

Our Wedding

The marriage took place in accord with the laws, precepts and practices of the Baha’i Faith, of which both bride and groom are adherents. As there is no clergy in the faith, a member of the Baha’i Faith officiated the marriage, entrusted to do so by both the Baha’i administrative body and registered with the local government to undertake such duties.
When a Baha’i marriage ceremony takes place, there is no individual, strictly speaking, who “performs” it- no Baha’i equivalent to a minister of the Church. The couple themselves perform the ceremony by each saying, in the presence of at least two witnesses, the prescribed verse “We will all, verily, abide by the Will of God.” This ceremony is performed under the authority of a Spiritual Assembly [Baha’i Faith administrative body] which has the responsibility for ensuring that the various requirements of Baha’i law, such as obtaining the consent of the parents, are met, to whom the witnesses must be acceptable, and which issues the marriage certificate.

Other than the vow and witnesses, the rest of the wedding is entirely up to the wishes of the couple. This element makes it very adaptable to a wide variety of cultures and tastes.


Campus, Western Philippines University, Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines
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